Handicap taxi :: Bahnhof TAXI
Contribution to costs from health insurances, supplementary insurance, DI, supplementary services and self-payers
Health insurance companies - KVG

Basic health insurance (KVG) pays 50% of the invoice amount after deducting the deductible, up to a maximum of CHF 500.00 per calendar year, for medically necessary transports.

Excerpt from the collective agreement (Art . 5 performance requirements)

  • Service provider (doctor, therapist) is approved according to Art. 56 KVV (Art. 5, Paragraph 1)
  • Medically necessary, plannable sitting and recumbent transport within the meaning of Art. 26 KLV (Art. 5, Paragraph 2) - Doctor's order (Art. 5, Paragraph 5)
  • Transport is medically necessary if the insured person:
  • medical or nursing care needs due to acute health impairment.
  • is dependent on specific diagnostic or special therapeutic measures [...] due to a chronic illness.
  • Due to the current state of health, he / she cannot get on foot or by private or public transport to and / or from a suitable service provider where the patient is entitled to choose where he / she receives the necessary treatment (Art. 5, Para. 3c).
  • The insured has an accident or old age. However, since there is another medical indication that is not directly related to the accident or old age, the transport falls under this service contract.
Supplementary health insurance - VVG

If you have a corresponding additional insurance (VVG), transport costs are covered as part of the insured benefits. It is worth checking this option on a case-by-case basis.

Disability Insurance (DI)

The disability insurance reimburses the travel costs that it considers appropriate and necessary for the implementation of the clarification or integration measures it has ordered.

The DI usually covers the costs of transport by public transport if travel is necessary for clarification and integration measures.

The clarification and integration measures include:

  • medical measures
  • Integration measures
  • professional integration
  • Delivery, adaptation or repair of aids.
Supplementary service

The supplementary benefit contributes to the transport costs through the “illness and disability costs” after the benefits from the basic and supplementary insurance have been exhausted. Residents of the home receive a maximum of CHF 6,000.00 per year, self-employed persons CHF 25,000.00 in addition to the annual supplementary benefits for illness and disability costs.
It should be noted that these amounts are also, but not exclusively, intended for transport costs!

Other expenses that have to be covered are dental bills, health insurance contributions, deductibles, expenses for day care facilities, etc.

"Self-payer" - HANDICAP TAXI tariffs

The above list shows that by a long way not all transports can be settled through a “cash register”! For this reason we also offer special, cheaper tariffs for so-called “self-payers”. I.e. These tariffs can be used by anyone who does NOT cover the transport costs!

Depending on the eligibility, transports can also be settled using the HANDICAP TAXI offer, which is discounted by the two cantons: Canton of Bern (BTB) and Canton of Lucerne (Tixi-Taxi Bons).

Patient transport

For hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, doctors, etc., the Handicap Taxi offers a transport service for simply sitting or stable patient transports as a cost-effective and professional alternative to transport with a medical service. These transports are carried out by specially trained staff and are usually charged to the health insurance company by the institution (hospital, nursing home, etc.).

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